=head1 NAME vserver-build - build new vserver with vserver ... build =head1 SYNOPSIS vserver vserver-name build -m [options] [cfg-options] [--] [method-args] =head1 METHODS Possible methods are: B the "old" copy-all-from-host method, which requires the old legacy vserver-legacy script; with this method the cfg-options will be ignored B the copy-all-from-host method which uses the recent configuration scheme B ... -- -d installs the base-packages of the given distribution with help of 'vapt-get' B ... -- -d installs the base-packages of the given distribution with help of 'vyum' B ... -- [-d ] --empty | ([--force] [--nodeps] )+ installs lists of rpm-packages B ... -- [ *] installs a minimal skeleton filesystem, creates the configuration file and calls an optional command then B ... -- -d [-m ] [-- *] bootstraps the vserver with Debian's 'debootstrap' package =head1 OPTIONS B<--force> remove/rename already existing vservers with the same name B<--rootdir> vserver root directory [default: /vservers] B<--pkgbase> package base directory [default: /vservers/.pkg] =head1 CFG-OPTIONS B<--context> the static context of the vserver [default: none; a dynamic context will be assumed] B<--confdir> vserver-specific configuration directory [default: /etc/vservers/] B<--lockfile> lock file [default: /var/run/vservers/] B<--hostname> B<--netdev> B<--netbcast> B<--netmask> | --netprefix sets the default netmask (a.b.c.d quadruple) or prefixlen (length of the interface) B<--interface> [=][:][/] declares an network-interface; this option can be specified multiple times B<--flags> + sets comma-separated list of flags; possible flags are lock: Prevent the vserver from setting new security context sched: Merge scheduler priority of all processes in the vserver so that it acts a like a single one (kernel 2.4 only). nproc: Limit the number of processes in the vserver according to ulimit (instead of a per user limit, this becomes a per vserver limit) private: No other process can join this security context. Even root B<--initstyle>