Extreme Ubuntu Challenge: On ice!

Taking on the cult of Extreme Ironing, in October 2005 Scott Garman invented Extreme Ubuntu Challenge by installing Ubuntu after hiking up a mountain. With the Flight 3 testing CD out yesterday, I decided to take advantage of some of the unique facilities available in Finland and install Ubuntu on the frozen sea. It's about -3°C (26°F), in the distance behind the laptop you can see the Helsinki University of Technology where Debconf 5 was held in the summer and in the other direction is a 25cm (10") thick block of ice removed by fishermen.

Installing Ubuntu on ice in Helsinki, Finland.

This is the same patch of sea that Ubuntu developers Matt Zimmerman, Martin Krafft and Jordi Mallach swam across!. The pier they dived from is now covered in snow; behind it is the building where about 100 Ubuntu and Debian developers (including Mark Shuttleworth) were introduced to a rather hot Finnish Sauna experience. (The Finnish are mad about Sauna, for those interested, the converted Volkswagen Suana is still next to the Debconf dorms).

Paul Sladen
Last modified: Fri Jan 27 13:26:03 GMT 2006