Re: [Vserver] problems shuting down vserver with the same IP of the host

From: Herbert Poetzl <>
Date: Wed 05 Apr 2006 - 15:48:56 BST
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 07:50:23AM +0200, eyck wrote:
> > the point here is, if you tell the tools to create _and_
> > remove the ip on startup and shutdown, they will do so.

> but I didn't tell the tools to create and especially remove anything...

creating an entry 'dev' means telling them tools to
create (and for a sane concept) remove the ips

> > now for the syntax and/or changes to the config:
> > 'dev' = eth0 definitely means: please create that ip

> why 'dev'= eth0, why eth0?

that was an example, you can use _any_ interface
instead, vlan devices will also include setup

> is eth0 hardcoded?

no, no at all

> Does it mean anything?

it usually refers to the first network interface

> Why 'dev', when it seems to mean something else,

no, doesn't mean anything else than to 'assign' an
ip to a device. period.

> AND it used to mean something else in previous versions.

yes? what did it mean in your opinion?

> > 'nodev' definitely means, don't create that ip
> Well, where is the option to 'create but not remove that ip'?

of course, nodev means 'do not create that ip' which,
again for sanity reasons, also means: 'do not remove
the ip' which wasn't created in the first place

> I can't believe you're arguing about this, this is a simple fix, and

I do not see what you would like to fix, please
elaborate on the semantics you have in mind:

we need the following cases to be handled:

 a) the ip already exists, is part of the host setup
    and should not be touched by the tools
    [ currently nodev ]

 b) the ip is considered part of the guest, it should
    be created on guest startup, and removed on guest
    shutdown from the tools
    [ currently dev ]

 c) the guest uses an ip on a vlan device, which is
    already declared on the host, but the ip itself
    is considered part of the guest as in b
    [ currently dev, novlandev ]

 d) both, the vlan _and_ the ip are considered part
    of the guest and should be created on guest
    startup and removed on shutdown
    [ currently dev with vlan entry ]

> you're arguing 'no, we did it like this, and it works like this, and
> although noone expects it, it'a feature not a bug'.

I do not know about your expectations, but mine are
met here ...

> Common, people are using this, try not to hurt them too much.

if they use the tools with for example:


they will get case a) which is what you are asking
for, no?


PS: is an example and not hardcoded
anywhere, just to clarify :)

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