Re: [Vserver] ability to use 130+ ips within a vserver yet?

From: Chuck <>
Date: Thu 06 Apr 2006 - 15:50:47 BST
Message-Id: <>

On Thursday 06 April 2006 08:01 am, Oliver Welter wrote:

just wanted to let you know your suggestion cured my problem :) thanks!!

it translates perfectly, and now the email software can co-exist with other
port 80 guest servers nicely.

now if the high ip address usage within a guest works reasonably nicely, it
will cure my other problems of not being able to move some machines over to

> Hi Chuck,
> >> iptable -t nat -I PREROUTING -d --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
> >> target:port Should work without reasonable impact on the load...
> >>
> >
> > hmm.. ok im no iptables whiz but i will try this syntax... i have to
eliminate nat since they are all public ip addresses.. i suspect maybe
something like this might work in our saved rules file? (gentoo)
> You will need NAT - as this will translate the destination...
> > i suspect maybe this may need to be changed..
> >
> > -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT PREROUTING -d --dport 80 [dont know
what to do with -j here] --to
> Basically "PREROUTING" is another chain than the one you are using - so,
> I suggest:
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j
> DNAT --to :7080
> This will redirect every traffic to to the same ip as
> the orginal paket but going to port 7080.
> If you want to stuff everything into one vServer with one IP, just
> repace the target with
> -j DNAT --to vserversip:port
> Oliver
> PS: if you have problems revealing private data write PM, or join
> #vserver - will be there shortly as oliwel
> --
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